January 10, 2014

Lost Dutchman Inspiration

We hiked at Lost Dutchman State Park on New Year's Day with MANY other people.  We got there too late for the guided tour, but apparently well before the rest of the parking lots filled up.  There is one part of the mountain which is called "praying hands" because the rocks look like two hands together in prayer.  However, a different formation caught my attention.  I call it, the "praising hands" feature because it looks like a series of hands raised up giving praise to God.

This started a couple songs plying in my head,which I will share via videos.  The first song is called "Open Skies" by the David Crowder Band

The second song was from the "Passion:  Waiting Here For You" album and sung by Christy Nockels.

I also had some verses playing in my head that I tracked down to Psalm 19.

So basically, I felt as if I was joining the mountain in worshipping God for the amazing complexity and beauty of His creation, of which I am a infinitesimally small part.  Even without that amazing experience, it was a great day because it was January, I was with my family soaking up the sun and getting some exercise and fresh air.  And I waited until after the polar vortex headed back north to post this to avoid hate mail, to which I would reply, "Just wait until summer."

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