May 1, 2014

I want to be a Tsaddaqim

As part of my church discipleship program, I am reading Amy Sherman's book called Kingdom Calling:  Vocational  Stewardship for the Common Good.  It has been so convicting to me, as have all the books I have had to read as part of this program.  Tsaddaqim is Hebrew translated as "the righteous."  The book takes Proverbs 11:10 and explores it in depth:

"When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices;
    when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy."

Why should a city rejoice when the  tsaddaqim prosper?  Because the tsaddaqim, because of their righteousness, share their blessings in every aspect of their lives and work towards justice and peace to bless their community and their world.  It is not just about bringing God's love into the world, but also His justice, and His peace--all aspects of his kingdom, in little bits and pieces.  

This is one of the books that has inspired my church to join other churches in calling its congregation to B.L.E.S.S. God, family and our community--Bless, Listen, Eat with, Speak and Sabbath/Celebrate.

I haven't even completed the book and feel so totally un-tsaddaqim.  But I know the first step I can make:  get out from behind my computer.   Blogging so far hasn't taken up as much time as Facebook and certain computer games.  How can I bless others as a tsaddaqim when I am tethered and distracted?  I am not even living out my goal of being fully present for my family and kids.

The next step?  Pray and ask God to give me the One place where He wants me to serve the community.  This will be very challenging because my kids' activities seem to take a lot out of me and have both my husband and I running around town like bees.  But I know that whatever God has planned for me and my family, He will give us what we need as long as we keep our eyes fixed on Him.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."  Matthew 6:33


Jane Hoppe said...

Kris, I like your church's B.L.E.S.S. acronym. Have you read Mudhouse Sabbath? A Jewish believer, the author illuminates God's heart in wanting us to keep holy the Sabbath.

tandemingtroll said...

Hi Jane. I haven't read Mudhouse Sabbath, but I will put it on my reading list. What God has stirred up in me is to remember the prisoners at Guatanamo Bay. Some of them have been there for 13 years without trial. And President Obama has said that over 40 of them will be permanently imprisoned without trial for life. And this deliberate trampling of the Bill of Rights is justified because it is an American territory, rather than a state. I am currently researching the subject by reading _Guantanamo: An American History_ by Jonathan M. Hansen and will read other books more closely linked to the prison.